Click here now to register to attend this year's event, which is created to better help you understand the process of doing business with government entities and discover opportunities to grow your business.
Give us a call anytime and we will answer any questions you have about this year’s conference. Or reach out to one of us by email.
300 Cheyenne Drive, Room 101
Killeen, TX 76542
This event will be conducted Feb. 2-3, 2016 at the Killeen Civic & Conference Center, 3601 South WS Young Drive, Killeen TX 76542. Registration to sponsor, exhibit or attend is now open! Attendee package includes all conference sessions for both days, entry to the exhibition hall, and one ticket to the networking luncheon on Wednesday.
For a full agenda and registration information call (254) 200-2001. Interested persons in military uniform may attend the exhibition hall only at no cost.
The event will be held regardless of the weather.